Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise in the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain

Arizona Core Ambassador, Daniel Strauss, conducted a riveting presentation. It explored how manual therapy in conjunction with therapeutic exercise could benefit those patients diagnosed with chronic neck pain. Neck pain can be very complicated and often has many contributing factors.

Most interestingly, his presentation found different outcomes for short-term and long-term benefits for a treatment protocol using both manual therapy and therapeutic exercise. This is an interesting concept; it does play into potential outside factors contributing to neck pain. It raises an interesting question, one I which I hope can be answered in the future.

Why does manual therapy in conjunction with therapeutic exercise in the long-term have the same treatment outcomes as therapeutic exercise alone, but are different in the short-term?

Manual Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise in the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain

Down to business

This post includes links to Clinical practice guideline (CPG) presentations done by the NAU DPT program in Flagstaff, AZ. The whole class contributed to the different topics mentioned throughout.

CPG’s are often not utilized to their full capabilities, or often enough in my opinion. As a class, NAU DPT Flagstaff, we were tasked with forming groups in order to review clinical practice guidelines. The topics were broad, ranging  from head to toe. The topics were:

  • Shoulder
  • Knee/ACL
  • Hip
  • Neck
  • Low Back
  • Heel
  • Ankle
  • Achilles

Our small groups presented a specific diagnosis that the CPG’s covered from those broader categories. The links to all of the presentations are at the end of this blog entry in both PowerPoint and PDF. In the presentations, influential researchers as well as outside research studies were included for each topic in hopes that our class could follow the most relevant information. These presentations are great, and everyone did a wonderful job, but they are not the most important part of this assignment. We were also asked to provide a 1-page infographic designed to be easily read and used to treat a specific diagnosis. These are gold! All of them have valuable information regarding treatments backed by the most evidence. Those infographics are also attached below. All are in PDF format except for the shoulder infographic.

CPG Presentations:

CPG Presentations (Compiled)

CPG Presentations (Compiled)


Achilles Tendinitis

Ankle Instability (Back Page) Ankle Instability (Front Page)

Knee Pain


Neck Pain

OA of the Hip

Plantar Fasciitis

Frozen Shoulder